
FREE Planning. Attention Autism: Stage 2 Activities

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FREE Planning. Attention Autism: Stage 2 Activities


Tried and tested!

Attention Autism is an approach by Gina Davies. The activity examples will only be relevant for you if you have attended Gina Davies Attention Autism Training.

You can find out more about the training that she has available at www.ginadavies.co.uk.

For pupils with complex needs, we find it really beneficial to repeat the same bucket activities Monday to Friday because as the week progresses, we see pupils engage and interact with increased confidence and often new skills.

There are 39 different activity examples described below - which in the UK means 1 for each week of the school year!

You will also see some are themed for the holiday seasons. All activities will be able to be done with resources in your classroom (or kitchen) cupboards.

Copyright: Laura Osman (Integrated Therapy and Education Specialist Ltd.) and Charlotte Millward own the copyright for all of the content presented in The Springboard Curriculum and Assessment Framework. The content of this copyrighted work must under no circumstances be copied, shared/emailed to others, reproduced or resold.

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Download 39 weeks of Stage 2 planning ideas for Attention Autism sessions

Special Educational Needs
Attention Autism
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17 pages
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